Proposal submission

Proposal submission

Proposal submission is now closed.

Proposal submission deadline: 13 December 2021.

Proposal submission extended deadline: 4 January 2022.

We are organizing the scientific program for the upcoming 14th World Stroke Congress in Singapore and welcome proposals for Scientific and Educational sessions. Our goal is to create a dynamic and stimulating program that includes topics of broad interest related to stroke management as well as clinical, experimental and translational stroke research, balanced across global regions.

Each proposal will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee of the WSC: this may also include combining some proposals. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate all proposals due to space and time limitations. It is not possible to provide feedback on the reasons why topics may or may not have been selected.

WSO aims to have a program that is balanced for gender and geography (with a maximum of two speakers/chairs from the same nationality). We appreciate all proposals from the stroke community that help achieving this objective and encourage to include speakers in an early career-stage (rising stars). The submission form will allow you to indicate which of the speakers is ‘early career’.

Session types

We welcome proposals for Main Themes and Teaching Courses.

Main Theme Session: 90 minutes, two chairs, 4-5 presentations

Teaching Courses: 90 minutes, two chairs, 4-5 presentations, please include the course level and specify the target audience – basic courses for beginners are welcome as well.

Suggestions for joint proposals between WSO and other societies should be submitted directly to the Conference Secretariat and not through this portal.

WSO would like to thank all its members for helping to shape the future of stroke science and education by submitting ideas for the WSC 2022 scientific program.

Guidelines for submission

  • All proposals must be submitted in English by the deadline through the online system.
  • Title: 25 words maximum
  • Brief session description: 200 words maximum. Please explain the educational intention and purpose of the session.
  • 2 Chairs and 4-5 Speakers per session. (Please include the names of 1 alternative speaker for each talk)
    • Please consider gender balance and geographic variety of speakers/chairs in your proposal (with a maximum of two speakers/chairs from the same nationality)
    • Please consider including speakers in an early career-stage.
  • Speakers and chairs approval are not required at the time of submission.
  • Sessions are 90 minutes in length. Plenty of time should be devoted to discussion and interaction.
  • Only the Proposer will receive notification of the final Scientific Programme Committee decision, and is responsible for communicating the result to all other Chairs and Speakers.

Proposal topics

  • Endovascular Clot Retrieval
  • Hyperacute Stroke Treatment Including Prehospital Care and Stroke Services Except ECR
  • Stroke Etiology and Clinical Aspects incl. Uncommon Stroke Disorders and Challenging Cases
  • COVID and Stroke
  • Stroke Neuroimaging
  • Stroke Nursing
  • Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery
  • Post Stroke Care and Complications
  • Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
  • Community Awareness, Advocacy and Stroke Support Activities
  • Life after Stroke (incl. Care Givers)
  • Stroke Biomarkers and Risk Factors
  • Stroke Prevention (Primary and Secondary)
  • Intracerebral Hemorrhage & Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
  • Basic Science and Translational Research
  • Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence
  • Other Topic
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