e-Posters Guidelines

e-Posters Guidelines


  • Present live from the E-poster stations and take part in the live Q&A.
  • Your E-Poster will be available for viewing on demand onsite (via each of the E-poster stations) and online (via the virtual platform).
  • You may include a personal Zoom link to an independently organized discussion.
  • It will not be possible to present in a Short Oral Communication Session online. 
Presenting E-Posters

For both onsite and online participation:


  • Your E-Poster will stay available for viewing on demand, onsite (via each of the e-poster stations) and online (via the virtual platform).
  • You may include a personal Zoom link to an independently organised discussion.


Presenters will receive a dedicated link to upload their e-posters via email in August 2022.



Abstracts allocated to E-Poster Viewing will upload their E-Poster to be available for viewing, from the start of the congress, in the E-Poster gallery on the virtual platform (no dedicated session time).


Each presenter will be allocated 3 minutes to present their E-Poster, plus 2 minutes for discussion at the E-Poster screens. All participants are invited to the E-Poster Stations to hear the short presentations and to​​ ask questions. Each session w​ill be guided by moderators. Presenters should be at the e-poster viewing stations 10 minutes before the start of the Short Oral Communications Session and remain there until the session has finished. Short Oral Communication presenters are requested to prepare ONLY an E-Poster.

Only posters of registered participants will be displayed in the E-Poster Gallery or be available to present onsite.
Deadline for uploading your E-Poster: 25 September, 2022, 23:59 Singapore Standard Time (SGT/UTC+8)

Technical specification for E-Poster preparation
Please submit your E-Poster as a PDF file in landscape orientation.

  • File Format: PDF file – 1st page for your disclosure; 2nd page – your ePoster
  • Orientation: Please create your document in PowerPoint in Landscape Layout 16×9 and Save it as a PDF file
  • Font types: Arial, Calibri, Verdana Times New Roman or Helvetica
  • Font size: > 11
  • Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and embedded videos are not permitted
  • QR Codes may be included
  • Images and tables: at least 200 dpi. Good picture quality is essential.
  • When inserting images, photos, tables, etc., use copy-paste. Do not use embedded documents
  • Avoid overlapping objects and layers. Only the final view/status will be visible
  • When saving your PDF please do not use symbols or special characters (ie. +/@/ü) in the file name
  • File size: Less than 5 MB
  • If you wish, you may use a template that can be downloaded HERE

Interaction with E-Poster Presenters 

E-Poster presenters have the option to include a URL link to their own online personal e-meeting rooms (via Zoom, GoToMeeting, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, etc.) or institutional e-meeting rooms together with their availability, where they can then meet other delegates for interaction and discussion. You can create free zoom meeting rooms here: https://zoom.us/. The presenter takes responsibility for these third-party links and the Organizers are unable to monitor them

Publication Consent

By uploading your E-Poster and audio file, you agree to having it published in the official Congress publications and on the Congress website, virtual platform and society website for the duration of 3 months following the hybrid congress.
For questions please e-mail abstracts@kenes.com